
We understand entirely that when facing separation and divorce, parenting and children’s issues can be the most challenging and traumatic issues a family faces. Parenting schedules, living arrangements, decision-making responsibility concerning education, healthcare and religion may be in dispute along with financial matters. A legal understanding of the issues is an important first step towards stabilizing the changes children are facing.

Children’s best interests are at the core of every parenting discussion with your lawyer, and we work closely with the client and develop individualized strategies aimed to achieve a resolution that is child focused. Every family is unique, and the resolution path must reflect this uniqueness whether it is through alternative dispute resolution (mediation) or going to court.

Nelson Family Law has a particular focus and success in high conflict parenting matters. Your lawyer will work closely with you to gain an in-depth understanding of your family dynamic as you work together to develop a resolution strategy.

What does Child Custody entail?

Child custody entails the authority to make significant decisions regarding a child’s well-being and upbringing. Parents holding custody rights can determine the child’s education, medical care, and religious affiliation. Disagreements between parents on these matters are not unusual; however, only those with custody possess the authority to implement decisions. Typically, the parent with the more significant share of possession also resides with the child in most cases.

Different Forms of Child Custody

Sole Custody

In sole custody, one parent holds both physical and legal custody rights, while the noncustodial parent may be granted visitation rights. This arrangement is typical when limiting contact with one parent is in the child’s best interest.

Joint Custody

Joint custody involves sharing both physical and legal custody. Parents collaborate in decision-making, and the child spends significant time with each parent. It requires effective communication and cooperation.

Temporary Custody

Temporary custody may be granted during legal proceedings, providing stability and care for the child until a final custody arrangement is determined.

What does “Access” mean?

Access pertains to the noncustodial parent’s entitlement to share time with their child and, reciprocally, the child’s entitlement to spend time with that parent. While parents with access typically lack legal authority for significant decisions, the courts acknowledge the importance of preserving the parent-child bond when it aligns with the child’s best interests.

Access arrangements may entail scheduled visits or time spent with the child in public spaces or the noncustodial parent’s residence. Additionally, these agreements may grant the noncustodial parent the right to stay informed about crucial aspects of the child’s life, including education, health, and overall well-being.

If you face child custody and access challenges, let Nelson Family Law guide you.